Tag: Nonfiction

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New Nonfiction to Request on NetGalley

There are an incredible amount of books to request on NetGalley—it’s a book lover’s dream! To help you navigate the Recently Added books, we’re highlighting new nonfiction books and audiobooks added to…
A hand pulling a book off a shelf

The NetGalley Team’s Most-Anticipated Books of 2022

A new year is only a few weeks away, and that means it’s time to start working on a new TBR list. As you can imagine, the NetGalley team loves looking ahead…
A collage of the covers included in this article

TBR Alert: NetGalley’s Staff Reads

Curious what the NetGalley team is reading? Wish you could steal a peek at our bookshelves? You’ve come to the right place. Check out the books we’re recommending this month, and share…

Bookish Presents for Every Reader on Your Holiday List

This year more than ever it’s important to shop early and shop local to help your favorite indie bookstores. Lucky for you, bookworms are the easiest people in the world to shop…

The Best Books the NetGalley Team Read in 2020

At the end of each year, the NetGalley team loves reflecting back on the great books we’ve read. These are the books that made us laugh, cry, and swoon, and kept us…

LGBTQ+ Books by Authors of Color for Your 2020 TBR

Happy Pride Month, readers! We believe there’s no better way to celebrate than by reading books where queer characters are the heroes of their stories. These 12 books are just a small…

TBR Alert: NetGalley’s Staff Reads

Curious what the NetGalley team is reading? Wish you could steal a peek at our bookshelves? You’ve come to the right place. Check out the books we’re recommending this month, and share…

Best of the Buzz: 5 Most Exciting Buzz Book Excerpts

The Fall/Winter Buzz Books are here! I'm always curious to see which books are spotlighted in Publishers Lunch's epic Buzz Books—collections published twice a year of excerpts from the most highly anticipated…

22 Authors Share Their Comfort Reads

In times of hardship and uncertainty, readers turn to books. It’s in books that we find escape, peace, solace, and comfort. Knowing that we could all use those kinds of reads right…

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