Dos and Don’ts for Your NetGalley Profile

Books on NetGalley can receive hundreds of requests from members looking to read and review. Along with your NetGalley stats, the information in your Profile is crucial in helping publishers decide whether to approve or decline your request. Here are a few dos and don’ts for making your Profile stand out.

Do: Talk about your member type
There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. Your Bio can help to give publishers insight into your role and how you can best work with them. This can mean the department you work in, the events or programs you plan, any purchasing you’re in charge of, the outlets you’ve written for, and more. If you’re a Reviewer, clearly state where your reviews appear. Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. Click here for more insight into what you should include in your Profile based on your member type.


Don’t: Get too personal
It can be tempting to share information about yourself that you think might help your Profile stand out to publishers, but your linked blog and social media channels are the best way to show off your vibrant personality. Think about your Profile like a resume, and keep your Bio professional and succinct.


Do: Share facts about yourself that are relevant
Do you run a book club? Are you a member of an author’s street team? Do you host any online reading events? Are you an OwnVoices reviewer? Do you review audiobooks as well as print/e-books? Your Bio is the perfect place to share this information with publishers—as long as you’re comfortable, of course!


Don’t: List all of your favorite genres
When a publisher looks at your Profile, they can already see all of the Categories that you’ve selected (under the About You tab), so there’s no need to list them again in your Bio. And when selecting your preferred Categories, it’s helpful to stick to the genres you cover in your role as a professional reader.


Do: Share your favorite authors
Publishers can see which genres you prefer to read and review, and by also sharing your favorite authors, you can help provide an even better understanding of the types of books within those genres you most enjoy. Try to stick to 3-5 authors to keep things simple. 


Don’t: Forget to update your Profile throughout the year
Set a calendar reminder to revisit your Profile every few months. Look through which Categories you’ve selected, check that your links are working, and reread your Bio. As you go, make any necessary updates. This helps to ensure you’re sharing the most accurate information about your job, social media statistics, and reading preferences.


Do: Include links to all of the places you talk about books
Your Profile includes a section titled “Where I Share Reviews.” This is a crucial place to provide links to any websites or social media where you share your book reviews, the media outlets where you cover books, or the bookstore, library, or school where you’re employed.


Don’t: Forget to check for typos and broken links
Publishers are looking for thoughtful, professional reviewers and your Bio is the first taste of your writing that they get. Typos and links that aren’t working can be a sign of a lack of attention to detail, so be sure to give your Bio a final proofread every time you update it.


Do: Share stats
Including important stats about your platforms, such as average monthly pageviews to your blog or social media reach, is helpful for publishers. You can read this interview with a book publicist to learn more about the stats they’re looking for.


Don’t: Forget to check publishers’ approval preferences
This is especially true if you find yourself requesting books from the same publishers time and again.  You can find a specific publisher’s Approval Preferences on their Publisher page, and the information there can help to shape what you share in your Profile.

NetGalley Tips

Kelly Gallucci

Kelly Gallucci is the Executive Editor of We Are Bookish, where she oversees the editorial content, offers book recommendations, and interviews authors and NetGalley members. When she's not working, Kelly can be found color coordinating her bookshelves, eating Chipotle, and watching way too many baking shows.

  1. Your suggestions are very helpful. I know my Profile needs some sprucing up and your comments really are very useful.

  2. Awesome info Kelly, really appreciate it.
    I’m a newbie to NetGalley. thanks for the tips.

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